Outdoor Toys Stomp Rocket Rescue Racers
34.99 Excl. tax
With this fun set they will run, jump, stomp & race to the rescue! At the same time, launch the fire truck & the police car to see who gets their first!
Product description
With this fun set they will run, jump, stomp & race to the rescue! At the same time, launch the fire truck & the police car to see who gets their first! Send the cars racing through the tunnels for endless indoor AND outdoor fun! Launchers and cars are sturdy allowing for hours of active play!
With many toys from the Stomp Racer peeps, kids will be entertained for hours! Decals included to make yours as cool looking.
We suggest for ages 5 and up.
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Outdoor Toys Stomp Rocket Rescue Racers
34.99 Excl. tax